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Writer's pictureJagisha Sekhri

I have tried everything; I am not fixable!

You might have been thinking: I'm not fixable, I have tried everything from Kegel devices to medications, my doctor/PT said surgery was the only option, I don't have childcare help, I am overwhelmed, embarrassed, and I cannot take even happy surprises...I could write a long list of heart-rending stories that I've heard from women. From “I wish I would have known,” to feeling like " I will never be my free and strong self again."

These feelings are very real! I've had them myself. But they should not define your life story.

My job as a Coach is to show you that you can write a different story. Let me be your coach and tell you it's possible! You are unique, but you are not alone. You don't have to do this on your own... all by yourself.

Are you ready to change your story?

I can never forget the lessons from this podcast interview my husband shared with me a couple of years ago. Serial entrepreneur Tim Ferriss is speaking with the renowned brand consultant Debbie Millman. This is where Debbie shares what she calls - “Your Five-Year Plan for a Remarkable Life.”

She asked her students at the Design school to write how their life looks like 5 years from now…..write it all down "Put your whole heart into it and write like there is no tomorrow. Write like your life depends on it because it does. You do not have to share it with anyone other than yourself. And then, read it once a year and see what happens. It is magic. It is magic!"

She asked them to capture their thoughts " from the minute you wake up, brush your teeth, have your coffee or tea, all the way through until when you tuck yourself in at night. What is that day like for you? Dream big. Dream without any fear. Write it all down. "

So, let’s say it is spring, 2025. What does your life look like? What are you doing? Where are you living? Who are you living with? Do you have pets? What kind of house are you in? is it an apartment? Are you in the city? Are you in the country? What does your furniture look like? What is your bed like? What are your sheets like? What kind of clothes do you wear? What kind of hair do you have? Tell me about your pets. Tell me about your significant other. Do you have a car? Do you have a boat? Talk about your career, your health. What do you want? What are you reading?

What excites you? What is your health like? And write this day, this one day five years from now. So, one day in the spring of 2025; what does your whole day look like?

And then she shared how she began to receive many letters from students from the past, which were like, “Debbie, it all came true! How did this happen?”

I wrote it for myself, IT IS MAGIC!! And I am so thrilled to share it with you, that these things can make a difference, this works.

I want to give you this exercise, try to imagine a vivid day 5 years from now and write down everything you are, and you can do without any pelvic floor issues. Once you know how it looks like, you would find a way to make it a reality.

I want you to know that it's possible to feel like YOU again. It's possible to love your body again. You can write that story! A story filled with confidence, strength and joy.

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