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Jagisha Sekhri
Aug 2, 20232 min read
Dispelling Myths: A Look at Pelvic Health for Dancers
Hello to all the wonderful dancers out there! Today we're going to debunk some common myths related to pelvic health in dancers. So,...
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Jagisha Sekhri
May 10, 20232 min read
How Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Can Help You Commit to a Beneficial Exercise Routine
Introduction: As a pelvic floor physiotherapist, I understand the unique challenges women face when it comes to addressing pelvic health...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Mar 31, 20232 min read
Love Your Body: Embrace and Prioritize Pelvic Health at Any Age
Our bodies are incredible, complex machines that deserve love, care, and attention. One often-overlooked yet essential aspect of our...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Mar 29, 20232 min read
The Emotional Journey of Postpartum Recovery: Support and Self-Care for New Mothers
Becoming a mother is a monumental event, filled with joy and excitement as you welcome a new life into the world. However, it is also a...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Feb 22, 20231 min read
Mind-Body Stratergies for adressing pelvic floor issues
Mind-Body Stratergies for adressing pelvic floor issues: When pelvis is in pain/ dysfunction, even basic self care functions are impacted...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Feb 1, 20232 min read
new mothers:your body is direct reflection of your internal emotional state!
You are keeping yourself caged up in your postpartum body without even knowing it! Are you having struggles with your body, since...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Jan 27, 20232 min read
PELVIC FLOOR CARE while pregnant and after giving birth is the FOUNDATION for you
PELVIC FLOOR CARE while pregnant and after giving birth is the FOUNDATION for you to continue living and moving the way you want to! You...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Jan 27, 20231 min read
a woman who has a great relationship with their pelvic floor?
What do you get to experience as a woman who has a great relationship with their pelvic floor? Well! You get to experience such...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Jan 27, 20231 min read
Meet my client:Pushing past the limits
Nothing feels better than pushing past the limits of what you thought was possible. As a pelvic health physiotherapist, I understand the...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Jul 19, 20221 min read
My story was featured!Thanks to you!
I was surprised when a popular Entrepreneurship-related platform reached out to me for an interview. And then, as I answered their...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Jun 24, 20221 min read
you are worth it!
Hikes, runs, jumps, funny jokes and trampolines are all things that mothers tend to avoid.... Why?? I agree, mothers are some of the...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Jun 24, 20221 min read
"solving my bladder control issues is my priority"
Just take a second, be honest with yourself, how many times have you stepped up and said," solving my bladder control issues is my...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Jun 24, 20222 min read
"I wish somebody had talked more about the postpartum stage, what to expect, what's normal..."
A recent study by The Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy concluded that prenatal pelvic floor education is a key aspect not just...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Mar 2, 20222 min read
warm up with purpose: skiing
Are you like me? I am learning how to ski with my 5 years old, who excel at it in the second class , don't want to be on a bunny hill...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Feb 15, 20221 min read
Case of the week
Leaks while running are common but not normal. I had a client who could not run any more than 4 km because she always had a leak at that...
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Jagisha Sekhri
Feb 9, 20221 min read
Fill up your cup
I feel I don't need to convince you of this, that you want to feel radiant, empowered and you want to feel happy in your body. You don't...
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Jagisha Sekhri
May 21, 20212 min read
Influences on the Pelvic Floor - Case for a full-body approach
Is a piece of a jigsaw puzzle useful? Yes. But not by itself. You need all the pieces to come together to complete: the picture. Same is...
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Jagisha Sekhri
May 21, 20212 min read
Do people often tell you “But you just went?!”
You are at your door, about to put the key into the door lock, and nothing other than crossing your legs keeps it inside. You are...
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Jagisha Sekhri
May 21, 20213 min read
5 shocking facts about bladder leaks and Prolapse
#1 A "tight" pelvic floor is a weak pelvic floor Our body is always striving for balance. If one part of the body is weak, another part...
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Jagisha Sekhri
May 21, 20211 min read
1 in 4 women have a pelvic floor disorder.
1 in 4 women have a pelvic floor disorder. It can be urgency, incontinence, pain during intimacy or a painful hip. A pelvic health coach...
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